We strongly believe that sharing the results of our work is essential, both with our colleagues and also with the general public. Here are some of our latest talks and presentations:

Upcoming Conferences

  • A.G. De Marco, G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, L. Sartini, “Sacredness and ritual practices of craftsmen: the case study of carpentry in Deir elMedina during the New Kingdom”, Sacredness at Deir el-Medina, Florence, 14-15 March 2023.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, M. Serpico, L. Sartini, J. Villarò Fabregat, “The Medjehu Project and its interdisciplinary study of New Kingdom wooden coffins originating from Deir el-Medina”, Coffins in contexts Conference, Cambridge, 22-24 February 2023.




  • G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “From the manufactured object to the tree: retracing the craft and trade routes for wood in ancient Egypt”, Materials and Technology, Aswan, 26 November 2023
  • G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, I. Ezzat, “Preserving Egypt’s wooden heritage: conservation protocol and new research prospects in the face of climate change”, ARCE Conference Egyptian Heritage now, Cairo, 11 November 2023.
  • G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “The Medjehu Project: redrawing the economic and social history of woodcraft along the Nile and Beyond”, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Université Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, 19 September.
  • G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “The Medjehu Project: redrawing the economic and social history of woodcraft along the Nile and Beyond”, Department of Egyptian Art, Metropolitan Museum, New York, 15 September 2023.
  • G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, « El proyecto Medjehu: redibujar la historia económica y social de la artesanía de la madera a lo largo del Nilo”, I Jornadas RIIPOA, Aportes para el estudio del Próximo Oriente Antiguo, 15 September 2023.
  • G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “Ebony or not ebony? The case of the blackwoods discovered by the Western Wadis archaeological mission (NKRF/University of Cambridge) located in Luxor area, Egypt.”, 10th International Workshop for African Archaeobotany (IWAA), Paris, 29 June 2023.
  • G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “Goods from here, goods from abroad. Redrawing the economic routes and symbolic uses of wood between Thebes and Aswan from the end of the Middle Kingdom to the 2nd Intermediate Period”; Conférence Internationale, Beyond Politic: Material Culture in Second Intermediate Period in Egypt and Sudan Final conference, Vienne, 1 June 2023.
  • A.G. De Marco, “Are they just tools? Socio-ideological implication of woodworking tools in ancient Egypt” – 1er Atelier Bois d’ArScAn autour de l’outillage lié au travail du bois, ArScAn – UMR 7041 CNRS Nanterre (France), 12 May 2023.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “The Medjehu Project: Redrawing the economic and social history of woodcraft along the Nile”, American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) Vancouver, 6 May 2023.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Rediscovering Deir el-Medina Woodcraft from a Comprehensive Study”, Current Research in Deir el-Medina, German House Qurna, Luxor, 26 January 2023.

  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Woodcraft in Ancient Egypt; redrawing the economic and social history of wood along the Nile”, Alexandria Centre for Maritime Archaeology & Underwater Cultural Heritage, Alexandria, 11 January 2023.


  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Redessiner l’histoire économique et sociale de l’artisanat du bois au fil du Nil”, Société Francaise d’egyptologie – Colleège de France, Paris, 3 December 2022

  • POSTER: A.G. De Marco, G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, L. Sartini, “Woodcraft in the Theban area during the New Kingdom: preliminary results of the Medjehu Project”, Theban Archeology Meeting, Mummification Museum, Luxor, 18-19 November 2022.

  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “(Re)connecting artefacts and thinking in the afterlife: the case of funerary wooden models”, The Mortexvar conference, Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalà, 14-16 September 2022.

  • A.G De Marco, L. Sartini, “Il progetto Medjehu – indagando l’artigianato del legno lungo il Nilo. Risultati preliminari della missione di studio presso il sito di Deir el-Medina (Luxor)”, Gipsoteca of the University of Pisa, Pisa, 24 May 2022


  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “From the basement to the archaeological fieldwork: rediscovering Deir el-Medina woodcraft”, Museo Egizio, Turin, 30 November 2021

  • A.G. De Marco and P. Marini “Manufatti lignei dimenticati. L’artigianato del legno a Deir el-Medina: alcuni casi di studio”, XX Convegno di Egittologia e Papirologia, Siracusa, 30 September-3 October 2021
  • International conference NetWood – Wood networks in Egypt from antiquity to Islamic times, University College London, 24-25 June 2021:
    • A.G. De Marco, “Restore the carpenter’s dignity from a Deir el-Medina case study”.
    • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Wood as a societal tracer? The diachronic study of wood networks: state of research and perspectives”.
    • L. Sartini, “Building the eternal container during the 18th Dynasty: carpentry and construction techniques on black coffins with yellow decoration”.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “The production of wooden funerary models in the First Intermediate Period: redrawing a little-known artistic landscape, Chronologies and Contexts of the First Intermediate Period”, Institut français d’archéologie Orientale, Cairo, 8-10 April 2021.


  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Woodcraft in Deir el-Medina: First results and perspectives”, Current Research in Egyptology, Alcalá de Henares (Espagne), 17 June 2019.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Identifier les réseaux économiques et sociaux du bois : cas d’études et perspectives de recherche”, Séminaire de recherche SHAMO « Regards croisés sur l’économie végétale du Soudan à la Mésopotamie », Maison Archéologie et Ethnologie, Nanterre, 14 March 2019.


  • International workshop Deir el-Medina through the kaleidoscope, Museo Egizio of Turin, 8-10 October 2018: 
    • A.G. De Marco and P. Marini, “Inside the shabti-box: A preliminary study”.
    • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Woodcraft in Deir el-Medina: Reassessment and research perspectives”.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “The TRACER project: two years after. Results and perspectives”, UCL Institute of Archaeology Research Seminars, London, 15 October 2018.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Gardening Ancient Egyptian plants and trees. Developing a learning Garden in Cairo: presentation and objectives of the project, Annual Archaeobotany in Egypt Meeting, Cairo, 26-27 September 2018.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Egyptian Society through woodcraft: TRACER project results and perspectives”, Fourth British Egyptology Congress, Manchester 7-9 September 2018.
  • International Conference Current Research in Egyptology 2018, Praha, 25-28 June 2018:
    • A.G. De Marco “Identify the wood workshops of Deir el-Medina: a case study from the Turin collection”.
    • L. Sartini, “Just a matter of taste? A peculiar colour scheme on black coffins of the New Kingdom”.


  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Du Liban à Assouan: identifier la provenance des cercueils en cèdre découverts dans la nécropole de Qoubbet el-Hawa (Assouan)”, IFAO Scientific Member Seminar, IFAO, 14 November 2017.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Knowing private Egypt through woodcraft: the TRACER Project, first results and perspectives from the Petrie Museum collection and beyond…”, Petrie Museum Lecture, Institute of Archaeology, 28 September 2017.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, Opening lecture: “Woodcraft and patronage: which material evidences? Generous Patrons, Loyal Clients: the question of evidence”, Prague, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 4-5 September 2017.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “A wood workshop at Asyut at the beginning of the Middle Kingdom: technical and stylistic study of a profuse production”, British Museum Colloquium – Asyut Through Time: Conflict and Culture in Middle Egypt, 20-21 July 2017
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Woodcraft for the afterlife: wooden models from Qubbet el Hawa in context”, Jaén, Spain, 21 June 2017.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Middle Kingdom Coffins from Qubbet el-Hawa: Manufacturing Techniques Investigated”, Second Vatican Coffin Conference 6-9 June 2017. Musei Vaticani, Città del Vaticano, Vatican.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “The object as “source of the research”. Presentation of the TRACER project (Marie Curie Fellowship). Conservation and Restoration Laboratory, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, 23 March 2017.
  • International Workshop La production artisanale du bois dans l’Egypte ancienne: horizons sociaux, culturels et matériels, University of Pisa, 9 March 2017:
    • A.G. De Marco, “Woodworking: workshops and artisans from Deir el-Medina. Study of the objects held at the Museo Egizio di Torino”.
    • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Production et utilisation du mobilier funéraire en bois en Moyenne Egypte: l’atelier de Meir au début du Moyen Empire”.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “From the Workshop to the Grave: an analysis of woodcraft as societal “tracer” in Ancient Egypt”. TRACER Project presentation, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, 12 January 2017.


  • L. Sartini, “The Black coffins with yellow decoration of the New Kingdom. An original iconographic study”, Ancient Egyptian Coffins – Past, present, future, Conference, University of Cambridge, 7 – 9 April 2016.


  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Woodcrafts in Ancient Egypt (End VIth-Early XIIth Dynasty): the case of funerary models”, XI International Congress of Egyptologists, Florence, August 2015.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Approche technique et archéométrique appliquée à l’étude des modèles funéraires en bois: identifier et dater des productions variées”, Conférence de l’Ecole du Louvre, L’objet égyptien, source de la recherche, Paris, 17-19 June 2015.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, “Identifying, dating and analyzing wooden objects: the case study of wooden models in the MFA of Lyon- France; Restoration, conservation and consolidation of wooden objects: case-studies”, with H. el-Amir, Conservator (IFAO), National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC), Cairo, 28 January 2015.
  • G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, Wooden artefacts in Egypt from Predynastic to Islamic Periods: from an overview to a case study, National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC), Cairo, 21 January 2015.

International Conference organisation

  • Conserving and Restoring Archaeological Wooden Heritage in Egypt and Sudan. State of research, challenges and perspectives, Co-organized by G. Eschenbrenner Diemer and I. Ezzat, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology in Cairo on 26, 27, 28 September 2022.

  • NetWood. Wood Networks in Egypt from Antiquity ot Islamic Times, University College of London (UCL). Co-organized by G. Eschenbrenner Diemer (ArScAn Laboratory UMR 7041), J. Auber de Lapierre (College de France/BNF) et V. Schram (EPHE), 24-25 June 2021. Online.
  • La production artisanale du bois dans l’Égypte ancienne: horizons sociaux, culturels et matériels, University of Pisa. Organized by A.G. De Marco (University of Pisa), 9 March/6 April 2017, Pisa. ;