Our publications



Eschenbrenner Diemer, G., Façonner l’au-delà. Production, diffusion et utilisation des modèles funéraires en bois en Égypte ancienne (VIe-XIIe dynastie), BdE, Ifao, forthcoming.

Auber de Lapierre, J., G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, V. Schram (ed.), NetWood. Wood Networks in Egypt from Antiquity ot Islamic Times, Proceedings of the International Conference held online 24-25 of June 2021, BAR, forthcoming.

De Marco, A.G., Lavorare il legno: botteghe e artigiani da Deir el-Medina. Studio dei materiali conservati presso il Museo Egizio di Torino, Studi del Museo Egizio.


De Marco, A.G., forthcoming 2023, “Restoring the carpenter’s dignity from a Deir el-Medina case study”, in G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, J. Auber de Lapierre & V. Schram, Proceedings of the Conference “NetWood – Wood networks in Egypt from antiquity to Islamic times”.

Sartini, L., forthcoming 2023, “Building the eternal container during the 18th Dynasty: carpentry and construction techniques of the black coffins with yellow decoration”, in G. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, J. Auber de Lapierre & V. Schram, Proceedings of the Conference “NetWood – Wood networks in Egypt from antiquity to Islamic times”.

Eschenbrenner Diemer, A. Jiménez-Serrano, “Middle Kingdom Coffins from Qubbet el-Hawa: Manufacturing Techniques Investigated”, in A. Amenta, M. Cappozzo, A. Iob (ed.), Proceedings of the Second Vatican Coffin Conference (6-9 June 2017), forthcoming.

Eschenbrenner Diemer, M. Domínguez Delmás, A. Jiménez Serrano, O. Rodriguez, “Tree rings from Egyptian cedar coffins of the Twelfth Dynasty (1939-1760 BCE) link different tombs at Qubbet el-Hawa necropolis (Aswan, Egypt)”, PNAS, forthcoming.



De Marco, A.G., Marini P., “Manufatti lignei dimenticati. L’artigianato del legno a Deir el-Medina: alcuni casi di studio”, in A. Di Natale, C. Basile (eds), Atti del XX Convegno di Egittologia e Papirologia: Siracusa, 30 settembre-3 ottobre 2021, Siracusa, 2023, 239-56.

Eschenbrenner Diemer, G., 2023, “(Re)connecting artefacts and thinking in the afterlife: the case of funerary wooden models”, in C. Gracia Zamacona (ed.), Variability in the Earlier Mortuary Texts, Proceedings of the Mortexvar Conference 14-16 September 2022, pp. 304-339.

Eschenbrenner Diemer, G., 2023, “Le projet Medjehu: redessiner l’histoire économique et sociale de l’artisanat du bois au fil du Nil”, Bulletin de la Société Française d’Égyptologie 208, pp. 45-60.

De Marco, A.G., G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, Marini P., 2022 “Woodcraft in Deir el-Medina: from the manufactured object to the workshop”, in S. Töpfer, P. Del Vesco, F. Poole (eds.), Deir El-Medina Through the Kaleidoscope. Proceedings of the International Workshop Turin 8th-10th Octobre 2018, Modena 2022, pp. 462-492.

De Marco, A.G., “La statuaria lignea nell’antico Egitto: considerazioni a partire da una statua inedita”, EVO 43, 2021, pp. 53-61.

Eschenbrenner Diemer, G., 2021 “Study of the woods discovered in House 55”, in C. Von Pilgrim et al. “Elephantine report n°48”, 2021, pp. 50-57.

Eschenbrenner Diemer, G., B. Dromard, 2021, “Le bois en Égypte et en Babylonie du Ier millénaire av. J.-C. : étude croisée de l’archive des Egibi de Babylonie et du mobilier égyptie”, RAI 2021 Proceedings, pp. 139-150.

G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, L. Sartini, M. Serpico, “Deir el-Medina Studia I. Rediscovering black coffins from Deir el-Medina: a comprehensive approach”, BIFAO 121, 2021, pp. 255-305.

G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “A Wood Workshop at Meir in the beginning of the Middle Kingdom: the case of funerary wooden models”, in A. Jiménez-Serrano, A. Morales (eds), Palace Culture and its echoes in the provinces in the Middle Kingdom of Egypt, 2021, pp. 119-144.

G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “La statuaire privée en bois dans les collections du Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel”, in I. Rogger (ed.), L’Egypte au MEN: regards croisés. Neuchâtel: Musée d’ethnographie, 2021, pp.146-213.

G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “Approche technique et archéométrique appliquée à l’étude des modèles funéraires en bois: identifier et dater des productions variées”, in L’objet égyptien: Source de la Recherche, Proceedings of the conference in École du Louvre, Paris 17-19 June 2015, 2020, pp. 357-377.

G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, C. Larcher, “Deir el-Médina” in M. Cressent, L. Coulon (éd.), Archéologie Française en Egypte, Ifao 2019, pp. 208-215.

L. Sartini, “Black Coffins with Yellow Decoration of the New Kingdom: an Original Iconographic Study”, in Strudwick H., J. Dawson (ed.), Ancient Egyptian Coffins: Past – Present – Future, Oxford, 2019, pp. 30-34.

L. Sartini, F. Nardella, E. Ribechini, “GC/MS analyses of varnishes from black coffins with yellow decoration of the New kingdom in the Egyptian Museum of Florence”, EVO 42, 2019, pp. 69-81.

G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “A Model Life”, in I. Regulski (éd.), Asyut Guardian city, British Museum Press, 2018, pp. 58-59.

G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “The Petrie Museum’s Collection of Funerary Wooden Models: Investigating Chronology and Provenances”, Archaeology International 21, 2018, pp. 101-108.

G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “Un nouvel éclairage sur l’artisanat du bois dans la région Memphis/Fayoum : la collection statuaire du musée d’Ethnographie de Neuchâtel”, BIFAO 117, 2018, pp. 239-260.

G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “Wooden Material Study”, in Jimenez Serrano, A. et al. “Proyecto Qubbet el-Hawa: primeros resultados de los trabajos llevados a cabo en las tumbas QH32, QH33, QH34bb, QH35n, QH35p y QH36 durante la décima campaña (2018)”, BAEDE 27, 2018, pp. 13-164.

P. Marini, “The shabti-Boxes and their Representation in Wall Paintings in Tombs at Deir el-Medina”, in A. Dorn, S. Polis (eds.), Outside the Box. Selected papers from the conference “Deir el-Medina and the Theban Necropolis in Contact”, Liège, 27-29 October 2014, Liège, 2018, pp. 281-300.

G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “Wooden Material Study”, in Jimenez Serrano, A. et al. “Proyecto Qubbet el-Hawa: Trabajos arqueólogicos en las tumbas QH32, QH33, QH34aa, QH34bb, QH122, QH35p y QH36. Novena Campaña (2017).” BAEDE 26, 2017, pp. 68 – 77.

G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “L’apport des archéosciences en égyptologie: la collection des modèles funéraires en bois du musée des Beaux-arts de Lyon”, in S. de Larminat et. al., Rencontre autour de nouvelles approches de l’archéologie funéraire, Proceedings of the 6e Rencontre du Groupe d’anthropologie et d’archéologie funéraire, 4-5 avril 2014, Paris, 2017, pp. 201-204.

G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “From the Workshop to the Grave: the case of Funerary Wooden Models (End of VIth dynasty- XIIth dynasty)”, Proceedings of the conference Company of Images: modelling the ancient Egyptian Imaginary world of the Middle Bronze Age (2000-1500 BC), OLA 262, 2017, pp. 133-192.

P., Marini, “The shabti-box of Djehutyhotep (Turin cat. 2443)”, in RiME 01, 2017, pp. 1-12.

G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, A. Portal, “Un nouveau regard sur des modèles de bateaux égyptiens au musée du Louvre”, la Revue des Musées de France, Revue du Louvre, n°1, 2016, pp. 18-29.

G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, B. Russo “Quelques particuliers inhumés à Saqqâra Nord au début du Moyen Empire”, BIFAO 114.1, 2015, pp. 155-186.

L. Sartini, “The black Coffins with Yellow Decoration: A Typological and Chronological Study”, EVO 38, 2015, pp. 49-66.

V. Asensi Amoros, G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, C. Lavier et S. Pages-Camagna, “Study and Identification of Ancient Egyptian Polychrome Woods: The Funerary Models of the Museum of Fine Arts at Lyon (France)”, Hathor. Studies of Egyptology n°1, 2012, pp. 11-30.

G. Eschenbrenner Diemer, “ Les « modèles » funéraires du musée d’Ethnographie de Neuchâtel”, BIFAO 110, 2010, pp. 47-72.