Our team - Collaborators

Carlos Gracia-Zamacona

Collaborator of Medjehu Project

Carlos Gracia Zamacona (PhD in Egyptology from the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, 2008) is director of the Earlier Ancient Egyptian Mortuary Texts Variability (MORTEXVAR) project (Atracción de Talento Programme, Region of Madrid, 2019–2024), co-organiser of the Red Iberoamericana de Investigadores en Próximo Oriente Antiguo (RIIPOA), co-editor of the series Estudios Orientales – Monografías RIIPOA, and epigrapher for the Middle Kingdom Theban Project excavations at Deir el-Bahari. Carlos’ interests are verbal semantics, metaphorical thinking, textual patterns and uses, graphemics and religious thought as well as its reinterpretation.

He is the author of Manual de egipcio medio (Archaeopress, 2017) and Los Textos de los Ataúdes del Egipto antiguo: variabilidad, legitimación y diálogo (SBL, 2023).