Founding member of Medjehu Project
Egyptologist, Responsible of New Kingdom woodcraft studies
Dr. Anna Giulia De Marco is an Egyptologist from the University of Pisa, where (in collaboration and supported by Museo Egizio of Turin) she obtained her Ph.D. in Egyptology under the supervision of Prof. M. Betrò.
Anna Giulia specializes in the study of ancient Egyptian woodcraft and wooden artifacts. For her Ph.D, she analysed and catalogued the Museo Egizio of Turin collection of wooden objects from Deir el-Medina, focusing on detailed studies of the carpenters and the woodcraft structure of the site. Applying a multidisciplinary methodology, which combined textual and iconographical sources, with prosopographical studies and in-depth analysis of the material culture, also through selected archaeometric analysis, Anna Giulia was able to define for the first time the woodworking system of Deir el-Medina.
She is the author of several articles on woodcraft and wooden artifacts and, since 2012, she has been a member of three international archeological missions in Egypt: Deir el-Medina (I.F.A.O.), Dra Abu el-Naga (M.I.D.A.N. – University of Pisa) and Royal Necropolis of the Western Wadis (New Kingdom Research Foundation and University of Cambridge).
Within the framework of Medjehu Project, Anna Giulia is conducting a comprehensive study of several different categories of wooden artefacts dated to the New Kingdom, such as shabtis, statues, and furniture. In addition to object documentation and cataloguing, she is also examining the construction techniques, and undertaking stylistic and typological research.
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