The aim of the project GAČR no. 23-04989S is to scrutinize all types of burial containers from the Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period (stone, wood, reed and pottery) from localities all over Egypt. The data corpus of all available finds, collected in the freely accessible database, will serve as a basis for establishing an overall typology that is noticeably missing. Roughly, the studied corpus comprises 300 wooden conins, 250 stone sarcophagi, 30 reed conins and 60 ceramic conins. The main analytical part lies in tracing the development of the containers and in the reconstruction of the entire process from the origin of a particular burial container to its use and possible reuse. The intention is to trace the whole scale of activities including material acquisition, its transport, methods of manufacture, applied decorative techniques as well as the final burial installation. The social, ritual and economic implications that encompass the production (e.g. religious significance of dinerent materials, questions of specialised workshops or foreign trade with precious materials) will also be addressed. The project will investigate three main research questions:
In the project, Gersande will concentrate on the wood analysis, technological aspects and prophylactic aspects of wooden conins.
The project is supported by the Czech Science Foundation, No. 23-04989S
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